Sir Albert Costain Memorial Awards 2023

The 2023 SACMA winners were Daisy Muge, Domini Grey and Molly Keane.

Daisy joined Costain in 2020 as an apprentice civil engineer. Daisy is also on the HS2 project and has attained an ICE QUEST Technician Scholarship.

Dominic is a graduate civil engineer and has been with Costain since 2020. He is well on the way to achieving his chartered status and has been instrumental in identifying digital tools to help to automate design.

Molly is an apprentice civil engineer and has been with Costain since 2021 following the completion of her A levels. Molly is currently working on the HS2 project within the SCS Consortium where she is working closely with the sustainability team on developing tools to assist the completion of life cycle carbon assessments.

Daisy Muge receiving her award from Sue Kershaw (MD Transportation)

Dominic Grey receiving his award from Sue Kershaw (MD Transportation)

Molly Keane receiving her award from Sue Kershaw (MD Transportation)

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Contact the 21 Club Membership Secretary

By post

21 Club Secretary, Costain Limited,
Building 8, Foundation Park
Maidenhead, Berkshire

By phone
07920 712316